Sometimes when you search for a record using NetSuite's search bar, it returns too many results and you have to do a search within your search. Depending on your naming conventions internally, searching a customer name can return every sales order, invoice, estimate, payment, etc associated with that customer. Not only is that time consuming (or just plain annoying) to wade through, it can make your search move more slowly than it has to.
But what if you just want to find the customer record? Instead of searching through all of your results, simply add “cu:” to the search bar before the customer name. That prefix lets the NetSuite search engine know that you are just wanting to look for customer records.
For example, if I want to find ACME Tee Shirt company, I would type “cu: ACME Tee Shirt”. Using that search prefix, only their customer record will show up in the results. It should look like this:
Need to quickly search a single invoice while you're on the phone with a customer or sales rep? No need to waste time going to the customer record and click down through the entire record and subtabs. Just type “inv:” into the search bar before the invoice number and it will pull right up!
I find this the most helpful with items. If you want to look up a specific item, adding the "it:" prefix removes all invoices, estimates, and/or sales orders that include that item from your search results.
NetSuite has several of these prefixes you can leverage:
Item |
it: |
Sales Order |
so: |
Opportunity |
opp: |
Customer |
cu: |
Invoice |
inv: |
Employee |
emp: |
Contact |
con: |
By leveraging these simple prefixes, you'll become a search master in no time! Happy Searching!