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Should You Outsource Your IT Functions To A Cloud Provider?

Should You Outsource Your IT Functions To A Cloud Provider?

outsourcing-IT-functionsWhile small companies and large organizations have different challenges, the scalability of cloud-based systems offers opportunities for both groups.

In a typical ERP/CRM scenario, many different individuals and teams need access to the system, so there’s a real need for a single fully integrated  distribution business software with the ability to share consistent information with employees in different locations. You may also want to extend the system outside your organization in order to coordinate with your customers, vendors and outside sales representatives. Someone needs to manage that access, preferably without manually installing applications at a number of different locations.

A company that has fewer than 50 employees may not have the budget for an in-house IT team to manage its infrastructure. Often, that means each person wears several hats. You may have one power-user who spends 25 percent of his or her time managing day-to-day IT responsibilities such as data backups,adding or removing users and troubleshooting hardware and software issues that come with having systems on premise.  By moving your infrastructure to the cloud, these basic administrative functions are handled by the software provider, freeing up your internal staff and resources for more valuable projects.

A larger organization might not have the same problems providing resources for in-house support, but the IT chores still add up. Typically, it’s best for in-house IT to focus on maintaining a streamlined system (and quickly fulfilling orders) rather than managing the company’s hardware or infrastructure. Those routine tasks could be outsourced to a cloud provider at a low cost compared to using internal resources.

Are you looking for ways to improve your operations? Download our free e-book, "The Benefits Of Using The Cloud For Your Distribution Business Software, to discover how your business could benefit from a cloud-based distribution business software.

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