2 min read
3 Steps For Distributors To Get More Out Of E-Commerce Analytics
E-commerce distributors can use analytics to their advantage, but it takes a deliberate approach to be successful.
2 min read
E-commerce distributors can use analytics to their advantage, but it takes a deliberate approach to be successful.
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Implementing customer relationship management (CRM) software can be a challenging process. But many wholesale distributors and manufacturers decide...
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Today’s consumers want the ability to buy products from anywhere and at any time. As a result, businesses will struggle to compete if they’re not...
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Cloud CRM systems allow distributors to capitalize on customer information and manage transactions more efficiently.
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The number of retailers using NetSuite’s e-commerce ERP platform is increasing, according to an article on the Internet Retailer website. With...
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If 2013 was the year that distributors were beginning to move into e-commerce order management, then 2014 is the year in which they will have to make...
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Having an online platform compatible with mobile devices should be a priority for many e-commerce distributors.
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As manufacturers and wholesale distributors prepare to face a challenging new year, they will have to consider how best to meet growing customer...
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Benchmarking is a proven method for identifying underperforming areas of a business so they can be improved and optimized.
1 min read
According to an article on Cloud Tech News, managing invoice approvals is now easier than ever thanks to Box offering 50GB more free storage to users...