Recommended Skill Level: NetSuite Novice -> New Employee
Training Pre-Requisites: None, Access To NetSuite Portal Highly Recommended
Are you onboarding new employees and need to get them up to speed on the basics quickly? Our NetSuite System Training Program will pair your new employee with one of Business Solution Partner's Certified NetSuite Trainers for a remote learning session delivered right to their desktop by a real, live person.
Our NetSuite System Training Program is split into two sessions, each delivering two hours of comprehensive basics and best practices for a total of four (4) hours of remote learning. This track covers a wide range of topics for the "New To NetSuite" user from Basic Orientation to Personalizing the NetSuite User Experience.
Perhaps you're not currently working for a company, but want to develop skills to increase your value to potential employers? NetSuite is the ERP platform of choice - get trained and get noticed!
2 hrs. Basic Navigation & Usability
2 hrs. Setup Manager & Security
Recommended Skill Level: Novice to Intermediate
Training Pre-Requisites: NetSuite Portal Access
The next step on the Journey to unlocking the potential of NetSuite is a comprehensive understanding of SuiteAnalytics. Our NetSuite SuiteAnalytics Training Program will pair you with one of Business Solution Partner's SuiteAnalytics Specialists for a remote learning session delivered in real time by a real person.
Our SuiteAnalytics Training Program is split into three sessions, each delivering a deep dive into the powerful functionality of NetSuite's customizable dashboards, reporting features and segmentations. In this training module, aimed at Novice to Intermediate NetSuite users, you'll navigate all the functionality of SuiteAnalytics, and be prepared to translate your learning into immediate action.
Not only will you learn best practices and tips for utilizing analytics, we'll also examine use cases for your business and help identify KPIs for analysis. This eight (8) hour course is broken into three digestable sessions and is designed for beginner and intermediate NetSuite users.
4 hrs. Dashboards, Portlets & Reporting
2 hrs. Performing & Saving Searches
2 hrs. Advanced Saved Searches
Recommended Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Training Pre-Requisites: NetSuite Portal Access, Finance Background
Business Solution Partners has Five (5) unique training modules targeted towards individuals operating in the Finance Department. Whether you're a CFO, Controller or Bookkeeper, we have insightful training options to faciliate your Financial Management workload within NetSuite.
Our one-on-one finance training is delivered by qualified consultants with a background in accounting and financial management. All classes are administered remotely in a screen-sharing application - and it's always just you and your coach - one-on-one. It's never been easier to book convenient time with our trainers around you're schedule.
For individuals on the Finance Team, this indespensible training can be selected Ala Carte for specific areas of focus, or you can take the whole 20 hour course for a significant discount.
2 hrs. General Ledger Training
4 hrs. Financial Management w/ NetSuite
2 hrs. Period & Year End Close Process
4hrs. Complete Accounts Payable Training
8hrs. Complete Accounts Receiveable Training
Recommended Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Training Pre-Requisites: NetSuite Portal Access, WMS Background
Are you responsible for Inventory, Warehouse Management, Procurement, and/or Order Management & Processing? These three (3) training modules are for you! Our Distribution Training is offered ala carte or as a bundle, so you can concentrate on the training modules that are right for your role.
Our one-on-one Distribution Training is delivered by qualified consultants with a background in manufacturing and distribution, warehousing, logistics and inventory management. All classes are administered remotely in a screen-sharing application - and it's always just you and your coach - one-on-one.
For individuals in the warehouse or on operations teams, this indespensible training can be selected Ala Carte for specific areas of focus, or you can take the whole 12 hour course for a significant discount.
4 hrs. Order Management & Processing
4 hrs. Inventory Management
4 hrs. Warehouse Management
Recommended Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Training Pre-Requisites: NetSuite Portal Access, SuiteCommerce Access
At the core of NetSuite's customer facing website experience is SuiteCommerce SiteBuilder. The next evolution of SiteBuilder is SuiteCommerce Advanced (SCA). Business Solution Partners is a proud SuiteCommerce Advanced Certified Partner and we have a number of employees dedicated to SCA solutions. This makes us the perfect training partner for your in-house designers and developers.
Empower your team to get the most out of NetSuite's web development and front-end toolset with in-depth training into both NetSuite front-end products. All classes are administered remotely in a screen-sharing application - and it's always just you and your coach - one-on-one. It's never been easier to book convenient time with our trainers around you're schedule.
For individuals on the Web Team, this indespensible training can be selected Ala Carte for SiteBuilder or SCA, or you can take both courses for a total of 8 hours of SuiteCommerce Training - and realize the savings...
4 hrs. SuiteCommerce Sitebuilder
4 hrs. SuiteCommerce Advanced
Recommended Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Training Pre-Requisites: NetSuite Portal Access, CRM Portal Access
Ah the CRM... Domain of the Sales and Marketing Teams. Is your company leveraging the CRM to drive new business and automate marketing and sales tasks? Our comprehensive NetSuite CRM Training offers training for both Sales Force and Marketing Automation, unlocking the power of NetSuite to attract new customers.
Our one-on-one CRM training is delivered by qualified consultants with a background Marketing and Sales Automation in the NetSuite environment. Your coach will personally guide you through function and strategy for the CRM. Our remote learning process is simple and easy.
For individuals in Marketing and Sales, this in-depth training can be selected Ala Carte for specific areas of focus, or you can take the whole 8 hour course for a significant discount.
4 hrs. Sales Force Automation
4 hrs. Marketing Automation
Business Solution Partners has been helping companies succeed with the right mix of technology and strategy for over 30 years. Experts in the field of business process and change management, our team guarantees rapid SaaS implementations, customizations, execution, consultation and training.
Phone: (516) 609-5000
Toll-Free: (855) 977-7100